Success is Personal

BY BETTI FUJIKADO, Success Cohorts co-founder

At 12-years old, I defined success as illustrating children’s books. I never got there and, quite honestly, wasn’t a talented enough artist.

At 22-years old, I defined success by a VP title, good salary, and “doing deals” around the country. I did that, but I’m not sure if it was my definition of success or influenced by society’s expectations.

At 42-years old, success was getting my newborn twin daughters to sleep through the night and making payroll at our newly launched advertising agency.

At 67-years old, success is serving my communities using whatever talents I’ve attained and experiences I’ve learned from. I hold this one close to my heart.

The definition of SUCCESS is “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” It could be wealth. A title. Purpose. Happiness. Work-life balance. Paying off your student debt. It aligns with your values, beliefs, experiences, opportunities, and interests. It should be unique for each person.

Success Cohorts exists to provide community, resources, and tools for individuals from historically underrepresented communities to help define their personal success and help work toward its achievement. We do it in a cohort structure to encourage safety and trust through a shared aspect of identity. It could be first-generation college graduate, Black Indigenous People of Color, women in STEM, or any place that creates a community for the individual.

As we’ve reflected on the importance of defining success, we decided to change our name from First Gen Cohorts to Success Cohorts. First Gen describes who we serve, but Success describes why. Along with this change is our new website designed by the talented Arlene Mitsui of Mitsui Creative.

A new cohort is starting in October 2022. We welcome early career individuals identifying as first-generation college graduates and/or BIPOC looking for a community to share their career experiences. You’re invited to apply here.

We also have a LinkedIn community, Success Cohorts I First Gen Cohorts Community, where we hold monthly meetings on subjects like career pivots, money management, wealth building, interviewing, networking, and paying-it-forward. All you need to do is find us, request to join, and you’re in!

Or, if you just want to talk about your career with me—reach out on LinkedIn, mention this blog post, and we’ll find 30-minutes to talk.

Give yourself some space to think about your personal definition of success. Know it will change over time and give yourself permission for that too. Join our September cohorts where you will have the time, space, and community to help define and achieve your success. We’d be honored to have you join us.


Our SC brand designer: Arlene Mitsui


My Grad School Application